Monday, November 25, 2013

Mr. Adorable Returns

Rylan, who is Claudia M.'s nephew, visited this weekend.  It's enough to make me want to have a baby, but would I get one this charming?

At three-and-a-half, Rylan has a big vocabulary, insatiable curiosity, and boundless energy, except when he doesn't, and then he fights sleep.  He goes to pre-school, wears fancy shoes that light up when he walks, and is seriously besotted with trucks.

I briefed him on the Tooth Fairy and played up the money he'd collect on his baby teeth. He seemed borderline apprehensive.  Then I told him that the Tooth Fairy gives children's teeth to old people who've lost theirs.  I heard a child talk about this on NPR.  (Why not?)

Then I made a deal with him:  if he'd let Claudia take a picture of him with me, he could take pictures of her and Jerry.

Here's what we came up with:

Obediently still while Claudia takes a picture

The devoted aunt rewarded with this shot

A blurry rendition of Jerry

But then, he's always on the run:

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