Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Time Out

I woke up 15 minutes before I was supposed to be out the door for the pool this morning and had to rush around to collect my gear.   At the pool, everyone was talking about Paul Ryan, whom my friend Val called, "the evil spawn of Adolf Hitler and Michelle Bachmann."  Everybody laughed like mad.   Val is British and very smart.

I resolved not to read one more thing about Paul Ryan or Romney, but I came home and read the New York Times online.  I got riled again.

Later, I walked over to the mailbox and saw this on our front path: garden clippings with water left from the early morning sprinkler.  Ryan-Romney receded and I took a deep breath. 

Next week we're going to Montana for ten days, to Glacier National Park, where there will be no TV, no cell phone reception, no WiFi. That means no travel blog, but also no Republican convention. I'm really looking forward to it.

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