Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Survival Kit for the Colonoscopy Waiting Room

I always assume no reading material and a blaring TV, so I took:

1. Laptop (journal catch-up)
2. Latest New Yorker
3. "Wild," by Cheryl Strayed
4. Camera (you never  know)
5. iPhone (e-mail if no wifi)
6. MP3 player (to drown out TV)
7. Ziploc bag of trail mix and two nonfat chocolate cookies
8. Bottle of water

If know--I were tech-y, I could have cut the number of gadgets by at least half.  Instead I lugged all that.

This time it was only a two-hour wait while Jerry had a routine procedure.

Eventually, a nurse collected me, and I found him drinking apple juice. She thought I was terrible to take his picture, but his hospital gown perfectly matched his eyes. 

Results were fine.


Ann said...

I thought we were going to hear about YOUR colonoscopy experience. What did you think of "Wild"?

LizR said...

I'm liking "Wild" a lot--she's a really good writer, I think.

No, the survival kit is for drivers only--the poor victim is in it for such a short time, plus can't eat...