Sunday, July 1, 2012

Into Flow With Scraps

I discovered a big plastic box of  blue/green/gold scraps from past quilt projects on a shelf in my studio closet, up there between boxes of Australian seashells (c. 1980) and a leather box full of condolence notes from when my parents died.   What to do? I could donate the scraps to the quilt guild's Children's Quilt Project, or, what the hell, make a scrap quilt.  Just play around and see what happens.

As of this morning, I have this:

I started with the left side, no pressure, no goal.  I got into "flow."  I cut and pieced quickly. Hey, this is fun!  Then my brain woke up, assessed the situation,  and bossed me into making it bigger.   So I made the right side, which felt like a job,  not fun, and I'm tired of wrestling with it.  At this point,  I'd bag the entire project, except that it's still a weird size (47" x 21"), and I have more scraps to use up.

I'm tempted start a new top with the remaining scraps and then sew the whole thing together.   The result may look unrelated and haphazard,  but I will have used up the scraps.   If that's the goal.  With any luck, my bossy brain will take a nap and I can have fun.  Otherwise, it's back in the plastic box and up on the shelf with seashells and the condolence notes.  I mean it.

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