Monday, July 30, 2012

Ahoy, Russia!

Woke up this morning nearly catatonic.  Jerry returned from a business trip last night, his plane was delayed in Denver, and we didn't get home from Oakland Airport until 12:30 am.  I've drunk quite a bit of Diet Coke to try to rev up, while staring blankly at the computer screen.

Or not that blankly.  I checked my reader stats this morning on Blogger, and I just want to thank whoever it is in Russia who is a regular reader.  Or readers.  I imagine someone working at the American Embassy, but it could be anyone, of course.  Who are you? 

You don't have to answer that.  Lurking--no, too perjorative--investigating blogs anonymously is one of my favorite pastimes.  I'm currently enraptured by one written by a young Catholic mother who's adopted two biracial sons.  I love her babies, her husband, her house (she has photos of every room, including closets), her roses, and her toile valances.  I don't know what we'd say to each other if we met, but I'm really enjoying dipping into her life.

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