Friday, July 20, 2012

C'mon, Ann

I wish I liked Ann Romney more.   She's struggled with multiple sclerosis and has had breast cancer, and she's still on her feet.  But this morning I read one more thing about her that made my heart sink.

She told an interviewer on "Good Morning, America" that "we've given all you people need to know and understand about our financial situation and how we live."

It wasn't so much her opinion that the Romneys have given all the information about tax returns and off-shore accounts that they need to.   It's the  "you people."

What people?  The press?   Or us,  the great American public?  Or only the segment of the American public that isn't rich and therefore doesn't understand the polite zone of privacy around finances that the wealthy take for granted, even those running for President?

Whatever, I'm feeling blown-off and excluded here, Ann.

I'd be cranky, too, if I had to reveal my personal financial information to the world, but then I'm  married to a guy who couldn't give a stump speech if his life depended on it and thinks all politicians are "rottentothecore."  And I've never had any political ambitions myself.

It's odd how the more money people have, the more comfortable they are in their insulated lives, the more uncomfortable they are about anyone else finding out about it. The specifics, I mean, like having two Cadillacs and off-shore accounts.  On some level, they must know it doesn't play well,  and it might not even be fair.

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