Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Melon Ice

The painting project in the minute downstairs bathroom is done:  two weeks and two days.  Bruce-the-painter just about moved in with us.  Of course, there was more to do than a bathroom: a hall, the entryway, and a bunch of doors that had to be hand-painted in oil-based enamel.

It turns out that for a large sum of money, you can have your 1980's  faux-sponged wallpaper  removed, and the mess of a wall it leaves behind completely rehabbed and painted with a very smooth and elegant color called "Melon Ice."  (Jerry calls it "Dilute Salmon.")  My sister and I spent part of Thanksgiving Day poring over Benjamin Moore color chips to come up with this color.  The first color, which I chose on my own, "Golden Apricot,"  felt wrong from the first swath on the wall.

Here are a couple of photos:  The After shot (no art, can't bear to hammer holes in it yet) and the Before.  It's hard to capture the cool sophistication of  the new color: think pink grapefruit sorbet.

After:  Melon Ice

In progress: Tribeca Loft ?

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