Monday, September 17, 2012

Mailbag: BEARS

Two readers sent enlightening comments re grizzly bears.  I don't think I'll be going to bear country again without bear spray.

Marion, who does a lot of nature photography, wrote, "I always carry a big can of bear spray when hiking in bear country, and every photographer i know does too. Works on the 2 legged kind too! Of course i tend to talk to myself constantly so am in no danger of sneaking up on a bear. But it makes me feel more secure. Your post made me smile because it reminds me of the old joke about how to tell the difference between black bear and grizzly scat. Black bear dung contains lots berries and some squirrel fur. Grizzley dung contains little bells and smells like pepper spray."

And Jan related this scary incident in Glacier National Park: "The bears are a real danger.  About three years ago, my current supervisor and her husband were on a hike in the park sans any "bear-scare" tools.  They ran into two bears that started charging.  Her husband pushed her to the ground, covered her body with his, and they laid still until the bears went away.  In falling to the ground, she fractured her arm and required surgery.  Fortunately, the bears didn't attack them, but it was a SCARE."

I'll say! 

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