Sunday, September 16, 2012

Generous Man Earns Pie


The husband of a friend of mine travels for work, and for years he's been collecting hotel toiletries for an agency close to my heart, the Women's Daytime Drop-in Center, which serves homeless and low-income women and children.

He regularly hauls home tiny bars of soap, bottles of shampoo and conditioner, shower caps, and other freebies back to California, where his wife, Karen, organizes them beautifully and gives them to me to be donated to the Center.

But Alan set a record with his most recent haul from a hotel on the East Coast.   He mentioned to the hotel maid why he was taking the toiletries, and when he came back from his daily meeting found this waiting for him.  His story obviously had struck a chord:

The next day there were more.  His suitcase was going to be full of toiletries:

Even unzipped and expanded, it couldn't hold everything.  Alan had to carry his boots home separately--but not a bar of soap was sacrificed!
Today, he dropped off 11 pounds of toiletries from that one hotel, plus 3 pounds from other trips.  And for his trouble and generosity, he got a treat: peach pie. (Jerry whined a bit at seeing a pie leave the house intact, but I told him the next time he flys home with 11 pounds of toiletries, he'll get a pie, too.)
Schlepped home in a suitcase; ready for delivery for homeless women and children

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