Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Doom in a Bottle

Remember when you used to be able to drink?  Or maybe you still can.

I can't.  Two glasses of wine last night, and I had a terrible night, restless and too warm, and woke up with a headache this morning.  What's the point?

In the old days--that would be about 35 years ago--Jerry and I would drink two or three Manhattans and then have wine with dinner, no problem.  Of course, we'd wake up parched in the middle of the night and have to raid the fridge for root beer (somehow this was the answer).

Now--forget it.  He isn't drinking at all due to a minor medical condition.  My sister, who used to cheerfully knock back cocktails, doesn't drink a drop.  Friends have given it up completely.  My friend Debbie drinks red wine every day for medicinal purposes;  it's like eating your veggies.

Jerry and I just moved our liquor supply to the basement, which freed up a kitchen cupboard where we're now storing  couscous, quinoa, and pasta.  Glamorous.

(Yes, I know it's Costco wine, but any wine does this to me these days.  Boo hoo.)


Bearflag said...

Stick with red wine. White is poison!

LizR said...

I thought it was the other way around!