Monday, September 3, 2012

Go Dems!


I wasn't going to get political, I really wasn't. 

I've been reading a most calming blog ("Clover Lane") by a mother of six who I think is a good writer and a very thoughtful, wise person.   She never gets political.  She gets constructive.  She has goaded me, by example, into doing a major de-clutter of my house.   It's a very relaxing read.  Restful.

But then I watched "The PBS News Hour" tonight and saw the staging of the arena in Charlotte, North Carolina, where the Democratic National Convention begins tomorrow,  and I felt so proud, so partisan, so "Happy-Days-Are-Here -Again," that my resolve weakened, and here I go.  I am just unspeakably glad that there's an alternative to what we witnessed last week in Tampa Bay.

Also, the "Sunday Review" section of yesterday's New York Times was such a delicious read that I have to make a few call-outs:

Maureen Dowd in "Cruel Conservatives Throw a Masquerade Ball," wrote, "It was truly thrilling to watch the blindingly white older male delegates greet their young, blue-eyed future: Paul Ryan, the 42-year-old Wisconsin congressman who turns out to be more talented than anyone had anticipated--a prodigy of prestidigitation."

Frank Bruni in "Excluded from Inclusion," wrote, "What the Republicans painstakingly constructed here was meant to look like the biggest of tents.  And still they couldn't spare so much as a sleeping bag's worth of space for the likes of me."   Mr. Bruni is gay.

And Thomas L. Friedman in "It's Still Halftime in America," wrote, "There is no organic connection between Romney and the GOP base.  You could feel it in the hall.  He is renting the party to fulfill his dream of becoming president, and they're renting him to get rid of President Obama."

Now back to reorganizing the kitchen cupboards.

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