Saturday, December 8, 2012

Dan & Son


Dan, a former graduate student of Jerry's, just became a father.  Here he is with his new son, Raylan, soon after the birth.   (I'm not showing the photo of the mother, Michelle, because I've never thought it was fair to show brand-new mothers propped up in bed looking a bit worse for the wear).

So Dan has been e-mailing us with an account of Getting to Know Raylan.  Jerry and I laugh like mad and wait for more updates.  Dan is refreshing, scientist-observant, and irreverent.  Here are a few excerpts:

"He's quite a handful; we both feel like we've got this really demanding pet and we're not sure where he came from."

"We seem to have a pattern of hungry, gassy, sleepy, poopy, repeat."

"Raylan continues to think that 2:30 am-6 am is party time and 6 am-12 noon is a great time to be asleep...We keep wondering who he is and when his parents are going to come and get him."

There's more, but Dan thinks he would be hunted down by other new parents if it were made public because he's too irreverent.  I think he's honest!

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