Saturday, November 10, 2012

Peaches Gets Caught

Peaches is the nickname of David Petraeus (can you believe it?).  As everyone knows, he got caught having an extramarital affair with his biographer, Paula  Broadwell, and had to resign yesterday as director of the CIA.

I was stunned, because he seems like the straightest of  arrows.  On the other hand, sometimes the straightest arrows are so straight, they're brittle.  Whatever, he snapped.

Yesterday I roamed around on the internet to see what I could find out about Broadwell,  including an interview she did earlier this year with Jon Stewart.

In terms of fidelity-challengers, she's a nightmare:  young, beautiful, smart, funny, self-deprecating, in tiptop physical shape, an ex-Army officer, and a Ph.D. candidate.  She was  homecoming queen and student body president and valedictorian, for God's sake.

I could imagine it:  There's Dave, over in Afghanistan, being interviewed by her in a war zone, taking runs with her,  and no doubt being flattered with all the attention.  Then he had a life-changing revelation of a) his own attractiveness, and b) what a powerful man can get away with when he's thousands of miles away from home.

Paula Broadwell (above, right) and with David Petraeus (above)

And Mrs. Petraeus, his long-time wife, advocate for military families, is not young and beautiful, and you know what?  I bet she doesn't flatter the hell out of him.  She's probably ticked because he tosses his socks around the bedroom.  And she's probably not eager to have sex under a desk, which apparently was mentioned in the tell-tale e-mails the FBI found on Petraeus's computer.

I told Jerry about this.

"That must have been a monstrous desk," he said.

But did he see this affair as inevitable?  The perfect storm?

"You don't hear about Army generals who don't have affairs," he said, continuing upstairs with his cup of coffee this morning.   "Only the ones who do." 

Of course, he knows that I'd personally strangle him if the FBI came up with damning e-mails on his computer, but he may have a point.  Check out the Jon Stewart interview and see what you think.


Ann said...

I feel bad for Holly P., Mrs. "General Betray-Us." I found a picture and she WAS cute 38 years ago. This craziness reminds me of the Astro-nut in diapers scandal a few years ago.

LizR said...

Wow, I'd forgotten about the astronaut/diaper thing. People get raving mad sometimes! And yes, I agree, Holly Petraeus was a very pretty bride, have seen that picture.