Friday, November 30, 2012

Minor Kitchen Catastrophe

Kitchen drama today: A package of raw chicken leaked all over a shelf in the refrigerator.   A river of salmonella!  In the fridge!  Nightmare!

"What a disaster," I wailed.

"Why did it leak?" asked Jerry-the-scientist, examining the package as it dripped blood on the kitchen floor.

"The plastic bag  didn't have a twist-tie! And it was upside down, oh, God!" I rooted around under sink for Soft Scrub with Bleach.

"This doesn't usually happen," he mused. 

 "Throw it in the sink!  Aaaaargh!"  I pointed to the sink like he didn't know where it was.

He dropped the package in the sink.  Then he went back to the fridge and extracted a plastic bag of bread that was sitting in a pool of chicken blood.  He put it down on a formerly uncontaminated counter, near the dish drainer full of clean dishes.

" Aaaargh! No!"  I cried.  Everywhere I turned: more chicken blood.  I washed the refrigerator shelf three times with Soft Scrub.

It took me 25 minutes to decontaminate everything and transfer the bread to a clean plastic bag.  I could have strangled the butcher.

Does this resonate with anyone but my sister, who was also raised by a Food Poisoning Phobic (our dad)?   I nearly called her, but I was too busy wiping every surface in sight with Soft Scrub.  Now I need extra-rich handcream--and maybe a drink. 

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