Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day Fantasy

$450 hand-painted scarf at Barney's
When the alarm went off  this morning, I was having a dream--I swear to God--about making friends with Ann Romney. 

She and I were together because our husbands were doing business (what on earth could THAT be?), and we were discovering some shared interests. Painting, for one; she liked to paint scarves.  Even in my dream, I was surprised.

Then I staggered out of bed, threw on my robe ($20 at Target years ago--you can imagine what it looks like), and crept downstairs in the dark.  I plugged into NPR for a long day of listening.  Every time there was a Romney sound bite, I turned down the volume and whispered a defiant obscenity.  When he was finished, I turned up the volume to listen to Obama and crossed my fingers.

I'm worn out.  From lack of sleep and an overload of political reports.  My wide-awake brain wants the Democrats to win today, but my poor old subconscious wants to figure out a way to be friends with the other side.


Bearflag said...

I am so sick of this election that when I switched the station from NPR and found an ABBA tune, I stuck with ABBA. God help me!

LizR said...

I get it, I do. My brain is numb.