Wednesday, November 21, 2012

And now for a rare lapse into sports...

I don't give a damn about football,  but the confluence of the remodel of UC Berkeley's Memorial Stadium to include expensive luxury seating with finding out that the football coach, Jeff Tedford, makes $2.3 million a year really got to me.

So much so that I actually looked up his contract online to see what else he was getting. 

Turns out he has a car allowance for two cars,  his membership paid for at the Blackhawk Country Club, and he would have gotten a bonus of $1,000,000 if Cal won a National Championship.

(Ha!  Fat Chance!  Snowball's chance in hell, in fact, given the record of the past forty years.)

Why does Cal need a big stadium and a Division I team and fancy work-out rooms?   I know--so they can compete for top athletes.  But why top athletes?  Why not good enough athletes who actually graduate and get launched into life with a bachelor's degree? The graduation rate of football players who entered Cal between 2002-2005 was 48%, the lowest in the Pac-12 Conference. 

This at a school that is highly competitive to get into (if you're not a football player) and where student fees have been raised just about annually.

Yesterday, the athletic director fired Tedford, whose past successes had launched the stadium renovation.

But she didn't fire the concept  of a Division I team, with all the expense that  entails.  The luxury seats in renovated stadium remain, the construction costs yet to be paid off.  And the remainder of Tedford's contract has to be bought out ($6.9 million).

How about Cal ditches the idea of a Division I football and scales back to Division II?   How about everybody takes a deep breath and thinks about what the mission of the University really is? 

As alums,  Jerry and I got three pleading letters last week alone for money from the University, including one from Intercollegiate Athletics.  Lowest suggested amount: $1,000.

Fat chance, etc.


gladys said...

Amen, they never should have cut down the trees, played the Big Game in October, or have had Friday night games. It's all wrong.

LizR said...

Jerry says that pretty much covers it!