Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Short Tale of a Big Quilt

Radical!  I made a quilt in three weeks of  big squares with minimal agonizing.  Week 1: In a gust of self-confidence, I cut 10" squares of an odd assortment of fabrics that I was drawn to and arranged them on my design wall.  Exhilarating!  Week 2:  Doubt set in.  Too simple, squares too big, need color between squares?   Wind went out of sails.  Week 3: Reclaimed confidence.  Sewed it together.  Decided to submit it to the big East Bay Heritage Quilters show in March as my second quilt.  Might get in, might not.


I've been known to spend a year off and on working on a quilt, sliding in and out of funks about it.  I've made quilts with pieces as small as 1" and squares with as many as 25 pieces.  I often make quilts with triangles, simple designs, but hell, to me, to put together.  I could go into how my dad, an art professor, was a glass-is-half-empty kind of guy, pushing toward perfection until he'd hurt and alienated and angered both of his daughters.  Or how I really, honestly, believed he was right until sometime in January 2012.  Hell with it.

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