Monday, August 26, 2013

Sunday in the Park

Yesterday we drove over to Pt. Reyes National Seashore and walked the Bear Valley trail all the way out to the coast (4 miles), a hike we hardly ever do.  Felt very accomplished when we got back to the car.

Why does it always take so long to get underway?  Sunscreen, food, hat...

Sunny at the beginning.  I love the smell of bay trees.

Some water in the creek, not a lot

Fog at the Divide Meadow.

But we ate lunch there, anyway. My glasses got misted with fog drip.

Onward to Arch Rock

Heading out toward the beach

Somebody pushed a stroller all the way out there.  We could see the small rider down on the beach.

Had to mark the occasion with a selfie
On that beach in 1977

The return trip was more of a trudge.  A relief to see the car in the distance.

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