Tuesday, August 20, 2013

At a Flower Stall in Victoria Station

Two e-mails from the UK this morning.   One was from Leah, my young friend next door who just graduated from college.  The other was from my cousin, Sue, who lives outside London.

Leah was in London last week on the first leg of a six-week trip.  Sue had fabric from our aunt that she wanted to give me to incorporate into a quilt.  I was hoping they'd be able to get together for a hand-off.

They did!  They met up at the flower stall at Victoria Station, had tea/breakfast, and looked at Leah's pictures.  My two worlds met:  two of my favorite people got together thousands of miles away.  Felt bucked-up all morning.

Today I sent Sue two jpegs I thought she'd enjoy:

With Annika and Leah at a wedding, 1999
Leah's 8th birthday the same year


Yesterday Jerry had his annual check-up with the cardiologist.  All is well!  He'd had some tests, and everything looked good except his bad cholesterol, which went up 20 points.  I'm back to being a Food Nazi, and he has to take more Lipitor.

After that I had four pieces of See's candy.  Two were samples that I didn't even like.  Made no sense.


Updates on recent posts:
 1.  There were 30 bids on the ruin of a house Jerry and I went to see in June.  Thirty people who want to deal with this: 
Asking price:  $599,000
2. My friend Ellen, who moved to Connecticut because she needed to be near family when she was diagnosed with early dementia, likes where she finds herself:  a assisted living facility near her brother's house.  The food is good, she likes her apartment, the staff is kind. 
Ellen, center, moved from Oakland to Connecticut in April
The description of the dining room, though, made me think of traveling alone on a cruise and not knowing where to sit.  A bit clique-ish, but she likes her tablemates now.
I think this is the best Ellen could have hoped for.  She longs for a cat and may get one from the pound. 



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