Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Please Go Away, Proposition 8

Today the Supreme Court hears arguments over the constitutionality of Proposition 8, the anti-gay marriage proposition passed by California voters in 2008.

I will be very, very outraged if their vote goes the wrong way.

The New York Times reported on Sunday that the court could uphold Proposition 8 (boo!); strike it down (yay!); or decide that supporters of Proposition 8 lack standing to appeal in which case previous rulings that the proposition is unconstitutional will stand (yay, again!).

The Other Side will argue that marriage between a man and a woman is "traditional," a word that makes me grind my teeth.  Slavery in the South was traditional, I guess,  and so was women not being allowed to vote. 

And then there's the procreation argument, which is nuts because so many childless heterosexual couples-- Jerry and me, for example--are married.

Let's have justice, Justices.

Family values:  Rylan, son of Shannon and Celia, who married in 2008 during the brief time it was legal in California.

Rylan, a/k/a  Mr. Adorable, and me last weekend. 

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