Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Lawns, Limits, and Quilt Bid Update

The Quilt:  The highest  bid stands at $250.  Bids accepted until April 1.  Thank you for the supportive and enthusiastic response! 

I read a few blogs written by women in their thirties and forties, almost all of them stay-at-home moms (SAHMs).

They're very big on practical advice: how to organize children's closets,  how to design a mud room, where to find a good spice rack, and--this was helpful--the best  and cheapest mascara (see below, Define-A-Lash by Maybelline, really good).

A good tip for any age

It's sort of soothing reading these blogs because no one's talking about having enough money for retirement,  or needing to move to a house with no stairs, or whether to spend money on trips while they can still travel or to save it for when they need help down the line.

These people are still buying stuff, gadgets for their kitchens, Martha Stewart organizers from Target to keep track of busy lives,  color-coded plastic boxes for kids' toys.

Most people I know are all about getting rid of stuff.  They cleaned out their parents' houses, and they've vowed never to leave that much stuff for their own heirs to deal with.

Another difference:  The SAHMs never mention knee replacements or cataract surgery. 

My demographic,  although not exactly falling apart, is starting to show wear around the edges.  Some have been less lucky, like my friend Rob and my sister-in-law, Delilah, who've died in the last decade.  

The SAHMs are still putting in lawns.  They're all about expanding--more stuff, more children, bigger house--while my group is retracting: smaller houses, smaller gardens  (less height, less hair, lighter bones).

We have less time ahead of us, less energy.   To some degree, The End  (you know, death) informs our most important choices and decisions.  We've learned, in a profound way, about limits.

Which is a bummer.  Which may be why I read blogs by SAHMs.

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