Friday, January 4, 2013

Picture Hiatus, Etc.

I wrote a post yesterday, but--guess what?--I can't upload photos at the moment.  Don't know why or how long this wll go on.  Have a query into Google/Blogger, but haven't heard back.  

In the meantime, of special note to  Del-Martians (that would be people who went to my high school):  Mel Kawakami,  fellow graduate of the Class of 1968, is senior pastor of First Methodist Church in Newtown, Connecticut. 

He participated in the interfaith service that President Obama attended after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings.   Google either the church or Mel to learn more, including an interview in which he talks about the tragedy and the role of his church.  Two of the child victims were members of  his congregation.  Doesn't bear thinking about, although I am thinking about it.

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