Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Blogging: Who Cares?

After  I wrote yesterday's post about our upcoming trip to Chicago, I thought, "Oh, really, who cares?" 

So, this morning I was surprised to get an e-mail from a reader who said, "... I love your pre & post trip analyzing. I admire the fact that you have had the forethought to document & catalog your trips...I love the uniform blank books you have accumulated & embellished."    My sister's college roommate sent several tips about what to see in Chicago.  Thank you!  Who knew that post would resonate with or interest anyone?   Not me.

I have a friend who wrote a column for the "Pt. Reyes Light" for years, and how she managed to a) come up with topics and b) keep it up confounds me to this day.  I don't know if she suffered from "Who Cares," but she's a reader and maybe she'll let me know.  Sometimes it takes a substantial caffeine-hit for me to approach the computer and write a post, because, really, nobody has to read it.

On the other hand, it's fun to write posts, and besides I get to hear such nuggets as the reader who dyes her hair and eyebrows while wearing a designated stained chenille robe.  You never know.

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