Sunday, October 16, 2011

Eerie and Sad

Yesterday Jerry and I drove out to Briones Reservoir, in Contra Costa County,  for a late afternoon hike. When we got to the trailhead parking lot, there was an EBMUD ranger in his truck, engine running.   When Jerry got out of the car, the ranger asked if the silver Subaru we'd parked next to, a twin to our own, was our car.  No, said Jerry.

The ranger said the car had been there overnight, which isn't permitted, and that we should keep a look out for someone injured on the trail.  He was going to call the sheriff, and he was wondering if he should call out a search party.

Jerry and I started off on the trail, me selfishly hoping we did NOT find anyone injured we had to help.  We walked about half our usual distance. Back at the parking lot,  I looked through back windows of the stationwagon.  There were men's clothes on  coathangers, several plastic boxes of packaged food and jars of honey and dried fruit, a box of classical piano music and another of books.  Everything was very orderly.  Then I looked in the front windows and saw a sealed white envelope, face down, lying between the two seats.

We drove off and hiked another trail, and soon we could hear a helicopter, which seemed to be circling the reservoir.  I wondered if we'd read about the search in the newspaper.  We agreed  that the envelope was not a good sign.

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