Friday, October 21, 2011

Being Prepared

Yesterday there were two earthquakes in Berkeley, both on the Hayward Fault, which is two blocks from our house. After the first one, I tossed the TV remote in my hand across the living  room and ran out the front door. Breathed and went back into the house.  A second earthquake while we were eating dinner--a quick rumble--and we leapt into action.  Honestly, here's what we did:

1. Decided to move one of our cars to the street because our garage is under the  house, and if the house collapsed we'd have no cars.  Which car?  Jerry's because it's less liable to be stolen.

2. Dragged ancient earthquake supplies out of hall closet.

3. Emptied 4 gallons old water out of plastic containers and refilled them.  Worried that the plastic was so old that the  water would pick up carcinogens.

4. Checked earthquake kits for clothes for each of us.  Jerry would have been fully clothed, but I had no shoes and no pants.  Hastily rooted around in upstairs closet for pair of pants that would fit.

5.  Filed several months of paid bills in an accordion folder--fast, fast, fast--and put near front door so we'd have account numbers.

6. Pondered whether canned tuna and soup in kit were too old to eat.  Concluded they were and tossed after argument with Jerry re wastefulness.

6. Dashed back upstairs and grabbed four binders of investment statements.

7. Gathered up prescription drugs, paying particular attention to having enough Xanax.

8. Ran upstairs again to get binder of photos of quilts I've made.

Went to bed with a flashlight and a pair of slippers at the ready. Nothing happened.  Got up this morning to find a mess of stuff near the front door.  (Note: we are not taking the plant.)


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