Sunday, October 9, 2011

R&R in PR

We're near the end of a ten-day visit to Pt. Reyes,  really to the nearby town of Inverness, and I'm feel refreshed.  I almost cancelled the trip because I couldn't face the hassle of packing up for it--we don't travel light--but sitting in a small cottage surrounded by oak and bay trees turned out to be a good idea. 

My friend Rob died ten days after I said good-by to him, and five days before we were scheduled to come here.  He's been  much on my mind.  At first I felt heavy with sadness, discouraged by the way life works out sometimes (hell, ALL the time; it ALWAYS ends in death).   Soon after we arrived in Inverness, rain started and went on for three days.  I wondered why we'd bothered to come.

Now the weather's cleared up, no rain, less fog.  We've taken some good hikes. I've visited with a couple of Inverness friends.  Jerry and I walked all the way out to the Pt.  Reyes Lighthouse (300+ steps), and we  also visited the historical Coast Guard Cemetery, both  firsts in 15 years of vacationing here.   I feel better. 

Still sad, though.

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