Sunday, April 15, 2012

Pimp My House!

So, here's the story:  Jerry's stepsister and her husband are arriving at 4 pm.  Our house is a cluttered, gritty mess, in my opinion.  

The stepsister and her husband are very wealthy.  They have live-in help.  The only live-in help around here is/are Jerry and me.  We often forget that part of our job.   We often look past dirt and grime and especially the state of the kitchen floor.  We hate cleaning bathrooms. Twice a month we have housecleaners.  This was their off-week.

Hell!  I'm in the kitchen madly cleaning and pretending this is the way we always live: spanking clean, with no gritty crap on the floor, no spider webs around the windows. What is Jerry doing?   He is carefully grooming the driveway.  Our guests will not see the driveway; it's behind our house.  Another time when we had guests, I asked him to vacuum, and he started in the basement.

End of italics.

Now,  why won't the tulips stand up straight?

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