Monday, February 27, 2012

Another Voice Heard From

My sister dropped by yesterday, and we agreed that these are scary, scary times.  The Republicans have lost their minds.  I, for one, am convinced they'd take away women's right to vote if they could.  It's just shocking that women want to decide how many children they have. The gall of it!

And then there was Maureen Dowd, with her column in yesterday's New York Times.  She says many delicious and accurate things ("Santorum, whose name aptly comes from the same Latin root as sanctimonious..."), beginning with this:

"Republicans being against sex is not good," the GOP strategist Alex Castellanos told me mournfully this morning.  "Sex is popular."

Later that evening, I got to the chapter in my iPhone manual about Siri, the voice-activated feature.  I experimented.  I talked to her, and the text of what I said appeared on the screen.  I showed it to Jerry.

Then we lost our minds.  We spoke to Siri, said anything we liked, which turned out to be a lot of pent-up hostility against Republicans.  We got, as my English friend Val would say, "vulga."  And Siri, bless her heart, must be a Democrat.  She got every cuss word, every obscenity, absolutely right, perfectly spelled.  Except ca-ca.  She spelled that with a "k."

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