Thursday, May 29, 2014

Revelation: I Can't Ride a Bike Uphill

Yesterday we thought we'd do something we've been meaning to do for ages:  take our bikes to the Bear Valley Trail, the just-about-flat, go-to trail near the park headquarters.

Families do this trail.  People push strollers.  This was going to be easy and fun.

No, it wasn't! It was humbling.  That trail, believe it or not, is all uphill.  And I flagged almost immediately.  Jerry got way ahead of me and then circled back to see if I was okay.  I wasn't.  At one point, I actually sat down on the side of the trail, feeling faint and exhausted (yes, I've had a cardiac work-up).

We made it to the Divide Meadow (1.6 miles), with me pushing my bike much of the way.  Sigh.  We sat on a bench and ate lunch and lamented about how old we are.  Jerry had gotten down to first gear to make it up the final hill, pedalling madly and wobbling.

Riding back on the trail involved hanging on for dear life and WHIZZING along, hoping to God we didn't hit any hikers.  No pedalling necessary for the length of it, until the parking lot was in sight.

After that, exhausted and deflated, we went grocery shopping in Pt. Reyes Station and bought lots of produce, plus four packages of cookies and a tub of ice cream.  Just to get over the trauma of being old and not all that fit.

Chocolate mint ice cream mends much

And that was just about the entire day, except for a long read in the sun, a nap, and Prosecco-with-pizza for dinner.

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