Friday, May 30, 2014

More That's Artful and Beautiful at Marion's and a Rescue by Take-Out

Mercifully:  Take-out
"No more cooking!" I announced yesterday morning.  "There's got to be better way."  Jerry agreed.  We're burned out. 

Then I packed up a bag of fabric and toted it over to Marion's house  to meet up with my quilt group.  Six out of twelve showed up.  In the meantime, Jerry met up with an Entomology colleague, who came for a day-trip to explore bug habitats in the National Seashore.

In the course of the afternoon, Marion suggested a place to get take-out (Perry's Deli in Inverness Park), and later Jerry and I drove down to pick up two salmon dinners.  Delicious.  We can lug our frozen meat in Elisabeth's freezer back to Berkeley.

Dining table at Marion's, ready for lunch

A raspberry-almond tart for Deanna's birthday

Our stuff dumped at Marion's

Newly-dyed fabric

The yarn closet

Everywhere you look there's something artful and beautiful...

...even over the bathtub

...and the medicine cabinet

Shelf over the bed with Mexican wooden animals

Outdoor sculpture

A walk in the garden, with Tomales Bay in the background (right)

View of the house from the garden

Every room has a skylight (or three)

Nasturtiums with poppy

In Marion's garden studio, where she dyed fabric yesterday

Kiln for jewelry-making

The group helped me decide on a border for this quilt

Dull green with an narrow inner border of blue?  Or the blue as a binding?

Ann's latest quilt under construction

Hand appliqued

Marion holding up a scarf she's knitting

Marion, Ann, Rebecca, Karen, Deanna

Close-up of Karen's scarf, made by Ann

By 6:30, Jerry and I had made a run to Perry's Deli:

An evening walk up the end of the road


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