Saturday, February 12, 2011

Yarn bombing Snooki

Bloggers can see the stats on how many hits they get and from where. My post about Snooki has by far the most hits, from as far away as Slovenia and Greece.

This has led me to think I could dramatically increase my web traffic by including "Snooki" in the title of every post. From there, it's just a matter of figuring out how to work her into the story.

I could yarn bomb Snooki, cover her with a giant tea cozy, including a special compartment for her pouf. I saw a wonderful show of knitted pieces at the Renwick Gallery a couple years ago showing towering figures completely covered in what looked like mega onesies, including a drop-seat compartment for convenience (will not take this further re Snooks, leave it at that).

I could go real estate hunting with Snooki. I know what New Jersey Italian housewives want based on careful study of Carmela's house on The Sopranos: an open floor plan so you can yell at your kids and freeze out your husband. Also, indoor pillars.

I could take her to the endodontist. She could sit in the waiting room and read stories about herself in People magazine while I have a root canal, which she would not find interesting at all, or as she has been known to say about anything that doesn't involve drinking or sex, "it's a waste of time."

And the Queen Mum and Snooki! They are practically one and the same: getting drunk, ignoring their stoutness, loving off-color jokes. The Queen Mum, though, opened a lot of hospitals and wore HER high heels to the East End of London during WWII to comfort people who'd been bombed out of their houses. This wouldn't work for Snooks.

Anyway, you see my thinking. Don't be surprised if you see Snooki in the title line.

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