Thursday, February 17, 2011

Small domestic bulletin...

For anyone who has ever been a guest at my house: We now have a light switch in the downstairs bathroom. Oh, yes! A switch on the WALL that turns on a real light fixture over the sink. Plus a new plug, in case you need to dry your hair.

For anyone who hasn't been a guest at my house: You used to have to step into a dark bathroom and grope behind the door for a light fixture on the wall that had a tiny switch at its base. For a long time, this item was affixed to the wall with the help of a wire coathanger cunningly employed by Jerry, who thinks anything can be repaired with duct tape, cardboard, and/or a coathanger.

Two friends have admitted to me, now that they've heard the news, that they used to pee in the dark due to complications re the light fixture.

So, is this a step forward or what?

1 comment:

madeleine said...

it wasn't really that the fixture was barely attached to the wall, or that it was difficult to find behind the door, it was the fixture's tiny, wobbly, untrustworthy switch. each time i reached up to turn off the light, the combination of post-washing damp fingers and that wobbly switch made me worry, just a little, about being electrocuted....