Friday, January 21, 2011

Why Starbuck's?--Addendum

I'm sitting in my local, and I'm thinking it would be fascinating to go from person to person, insist they remove their ubiquitous white ear buds, andhave them tell me why they're here, rather than at home. Do they not have desks at home? Do they have noisy roommates or children being babysat? Is this room, with its cases of inferior pastries, pseudo-chalk boards advertising exotic coffee blends and perplexing, if not sickening, sound new drinks--does this room offer comfort they can't find within their own four walls?

For me, I'd say yes, it does. It's comforting sitting with the entirely non-judgmental, merely present, endlessly varied assortment of people who share humanity and a thirst for companionship, however anonymous, and some sort of coffee drink.

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