Saturday, January 1, 2011

Snooki, My Fave

I love The Jersey Shore: Pauly D.'s smile, Sammi's sweetness, JWOWW's tough-girl bluntness, and Vincent-with-the-eyebrows. I do not like Ronnie, and I hate Angelina. Mike the Situation is okay, but I wouldn't trust him.

I'm fascinated by Snooki, especially the wail she lets out when things go wrong (dumping raw chicken on the floor, her boyfriend calling to say he had sex with another girl). She has a pink cowgirl hat and crystal sunglasses that cost $395. She can't see out of them, so she wears them up on her head like a tiara. She drives a black Escalade with the seat pushed so far forward (she's only 4'9") that her boobs press up against the steering wheel. She loves fuzzy slippers, which she often wears with shorts, but only around the house. A shot of alcohol at any time of day is fine, and she adores pickles. I don't think I'd want to talk to her, but I love listening to her. Snooki's the star (da bomb?).

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