Friday, October 25, 2013

Wave Hill: Such color! Such textures! Such design!

This place is an oasis.  Especially if you're staying in New York City and you want a break from the pace.  It's only 25 minutes from Grand Central Station on the Metro-North Hudson Line.  There's a free shuttle that runs uphill from the Riverdale Station to the estate. 
The big house (above) was built in 1843.  After passing through various owners, it was donated to New York City in 1960.  There are 28 acres, much of it gardens, trails, a smaller house  that serves as an art gallery.  Also a visitors center, greenhouses, and formal gardens.

Here's what we saw:

A loggia on the Hudson River

Massed coleuses
Beautiful colors and textures: 
 I've owned several of these plants, but they never look like this:
Or this:
We walked the Abrons Woodland Trail trail and found a gazebo:

A view of the Hudson River through the trees:
A burst of sudden, lush color:

The Marco Polo Stufano Conservatory:
Gates, fences, and Adirondack-style chairs:

The Glyndor Gallery, also on the estate grounds:

Beautifully restored interior, with permanent collection and temporary exhibits:
Fish Lamp, Frank Gehry, 1985, Formica, wire, wood, glass, light
Inspiration for a quilt? (minus the toe of my shoe): 

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