Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Aging: We Don't Have to Take This Sitting Down

No, we do not!  We older woman are still alive (!), lively, and open to new things.  Including make-up and clothes, if we want to be.

I hesitate to write that because there's something vaguely shameful about vanity in women of a certain age, especially liberal women who are feminists.  Who live in Berkeley.

Oh, to hell with it! All women have the capacity to be fab, even glamorous.

Recently, I found a blog I'm minorly addicted to:    One stylish, beautiful older woman after another, chronicled by a young man who seems to roam Manhattan to find them.  And I mean older:  into their eighties.   Any woman over fifty will like this blog, and women over sixty will love it.

Is this why I bought ANOTHER bottle of nail polish this week? 

You mean you don't keep your nail polish in the fridge? 
And why I'm trying yet another eyeliner (still the "wrong" color, sigh)?  Why, before I go to New York next week, I'm going to use instant tanning lotion on my legs and upper arms? To look just a wee bit better?  Or to feel better?

In the allergist's waiting room this week, I picked up Real Simple for some tips on hair care (grab your wet hair into a ponytail and put cream rinse only on the ends) and eyeliner (apply dots in a row and then connect them).  Also,  I've been reading up on beauty serums and wish I'd started using them sooner.  And they're expensive.  Don't care.

Where do you cross the line from taking care of yourself to pointless poor values?  God forbid I should look, in my mother's words, like "mutton done up as lamb." 

Don't know.  My friend Val just spent $300+ on Perricone cosmetics, and I applauded her.

Because, in the meantime, well ahead--I hope--of the Grim Reaper, we might as well enjoy ourselves.

Altogether now:  We're here!  We're beautiful!  We're reveling in life! (Yes, I took my med today.)

That said, this is how my hair looks as I write this:

Hey, it's hot!

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