Saturday, July 20, 2013

Off to the Glaciers

We're leaving tomorrow for Seattle, where we're going to board a cruise ship and sail to Alaska.  Or that odd strip of Alaska that seems like it should be part of Canada, where Juneau is, except we're not going there.    The Inside Passage, various glaciers, fjords, and small towns is where we're headed.

Here's my suitcase (yes, another new one!):

This replaces my Ross roller bag, which lost its handle on our recent trip.  Never again.

I'm packed.  Jerry is not:

Note the butterfly net, book on baseball, and Dramamine, everything you need for a cruise.

Here's the suitcase my sister and I found in our Aunt Phyllis's apartment when we cleaned it out after she died:

You have to carry it.   That seemed quaint until I realized I didn't own a suitcase with wheels until 2006.  How did we do it?

I'll be posting here while I'm away, if you want to see what we're up to.

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