Thursday, June 16, 2011

Lista Pills

I've been going to a pool exercise class for nine years.  There are 25 people in the class, and they re-enroll for session after session, so we all know each other.  Most are women, and most are in their sixties, seventies, or eighties.

Yesterday I went to lunch with my three closest pool pals, and of course we gossiped about other people in the class.  In fact, we came up with a preliminary list of pills,  classmates who set our teeth on edge.  They talk too much during the class, or  intrude on personal space in the dressing room, or  are too  loud.  One pontificates.  The list is subjective and a little curmudgeonly, but God, it felt good to be straightforward about it. 

The four of us didn't agree on all points; in fact, it was educational to hear new perspectives on people I'd already dismissed as pills.  I ended up liking more people in the class, or feeling more kindly disposed toward them, than before we talked.  On the other hand, I hadn't previously diagnosed the pontificator.  Works both ways.

Then we ate tiny jam tarts the British pal brought to the restaurant for dessert and went home feeling very satisfied, and above all, connected.

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