Monday, December 5, 2016

Gorgeous Weekend, Quilt Inspirations, Last Chance to Bid

Quilt update:  Highest bid is $175.  The auction ends at noon tomorrow, Tuesday, December 6. 

 * * *

Does anyone else feel beleaguered, cranky, and defiant during the month of December?  I do,  and I always have.   I want January 2 to happen right NOW.

I'd been feeling burdened by all that needs doing around the house, inside and out, and on Friday I resolved to by God get a bunch of things done over the weekend,  including bossing Jerry around about some yard jobs. 

But then Saturday morning arrived clear and sunny, and I said to hell with it.  Off we went to West Marin.  Despite the weather, there weren't many people on the road to the coast, and the drive was easy coming and going.  Yay! 

I had two bags of clothes to drop off at the  West Marin Thrift Shop in Pt. Reyes Station,  and while I was doing that, Jerry discovered larvae of the Gulf Fritillary butterfly on a passion vine that grows on a fence just outside the shop.  I found him rummaging around in the back of the car looking for a plastic bag for his captives and their foodplant, delighted in a way only a true eccentric can be.

Me:  That's such a common species [even I know that].   Do you need any more of them ? 

Jerry:  Yes!  What was it doing there in December?  [Providing distraction for people escaping the holidays?]

It morphs into a bright orange butterfly with handsome silvery spots on the underside of its wings.

Then we hiked at Abbott's Lagoon under clear skies and brilliant sun, followed by a stop in town for Magnum ice cream bars in Pt. Reyes Station. On the way home,  I found myself thinking about some kerchiefs I bought in Inverness several years ago and how I could cut them up and use them in a quilt.

Inverness, one of my very favorite places

On Sunday, I still felt rebellious, so we played hooky again and drove out to Mt. Diablo and hiked in Mitchell Canyon.  Hardly anyone on the trail and, again, perfect weather!  Hurray for weekend outings in December!And I found another inspiration for a quilt, this time in the colors of fallen leaves of a native California grape:

All the subtle colors in each leaf

Now it's Monday, and I have a zillion things to do that didn't get done.   Oh, well.

Hope you had time to revel in the weather and maybe play a little hooky.   

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