Monday, August 22, 2016

Lunch with Pool Kate in Her Magical House

I know,  it seems like I'm always having lunch with someone named Kate.

This time it was with Pool Kate in her magical living quarters in a former elementary school in Oakland.

I've written about her place before and believe me, it's a real treat to be invited there.  Kate's fun, her place is beautiful, and--don't underestimate this--the setting gives birth to fantasies.  Oh, to live here!  The unencumbered single girl (!) in an urban loft!

Back to earth.  We seven range in age from 66 to 89, and we exercise together at the Richmond Plunge on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Most of us read the New York Times and  listen to NPR, so there's plenty to talk about while we exercise.  Plays, opera, and museums are favorite topics.  Profanity and ribald songs (I'm thinking of you, Val) don't raise an eyebrow.  Ranting is acceptable.  We also counsel and help each other out.

 Anne, Kate, Val, and Betty in the pool,

 ...which is also historic

Here's a photo of  Edison Elementary School, also built in 1926.  It was converted to condominiums in the late '80s:

Kate lives in the wing behind big tree, formerly the kindergarten room.  It's a stylish, sun-filled space where we all want to live, or at least spend a weekend.   She could make a fortune on Airbnb:

Art balanced on the chalk tray mounted on the former blackboard.

Lunch came from Sweet Adeline Bakeshop  (quiche and cake), the salad from Kate's own hand.

An embroidered napkin

 Dessert was tall, white, and round:

Sponge cake, strawberries, and  Italian meringue buttercream , which was wonderfully light.

Fossil-like tracks left by raspberries and strawberries

Kate cutting the masterpiece

Too soon, it was time to leave. 


 Val and Kate saying good-by

Fall is coming!

On Tuesday, we'll be back at the pool:

I love the mural at the far end, added in 2010 when the pool was renovated

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