Monday, December 23, 2013

C-Day Minus Two

This is how the morning began, just past 6:  Sounds of a big truck backing up--beep, beep, beep-- and then pulling forward and then backing--more beeps--like it was parking in a tight spot.  Which is was, right across our driveway.

Our neighbors the hedge fund manager and his wife are hosting their annual family Christmas party, which involves a giant tent, tables, chairs, glassware, cases of wine, and God knows what else.  A lot of it is rolled up their long driveway in metal cases that make a racket as they go.  This will go on for hours.

Event décor within

By 6:30, I said to hell with it and got up.  I was busy worrying about a) getting out of the driveway, b)  finishing a quilt by mid-January,  and c) doing my usual volunteer gig at the Berkeley Food Pantry today, the last day it's open before Christmas.  Chaos.

Quilt first:

Semi-controlled chaos

Jerry says he's never heard as much profanity coming from my studio.  I'm making it up as I go, many pitfalls.

By 9, I'd listened to  a lot of Motown, Carol King, and "The King and I".  Deborah Kerr is right this minute singing, "Whistle a Happy Tune."  (Oh, right, Deborah!)

* * * * *

A few days ago, I realized I've seen no package deliveries addressed to Jerry.  Where were my presents?  I'd given him a list of things I'd like for Christmas, complete with 800 numbers (he can't do online ordering, phobic).  I heard him reading his Visa number over the phone some time ago, so I knew he'd ordered.  But where were they?

This made me anxious.  What would happen Christmas morning?  Why wasn't he worried? 

"Did you remember to order my presents?"  I asked.

"Is Christmas coming?"

"Yes, it is!  What about my presents?"


"Nothing's been delivered."

"Really?"  He didn't seem worried.  In fact, he looked amused.

One afternoon when he was out, I came THIS CLOSE to inspecting the closet in his study, but I thought that would be juvenile.

I told him this.  He looked more amused.

Two days ago I saw a scrap of wrapping paper on the floor of his study.  He'd been wrapping!  Things were looking up.  (Does Christmas make everyone a big baby?  One year he gave me a big button to wear that said, "Where's My Present?")

Have managed to finish gift-wrapping, with the help of Prosecco and "Sleepless in Seattle"

* * * * *

Dept. of Jumping to Paranoid Conclusions:  I'm one of those people who shopped at Target during the period when credit and debit card numbers were stolen.  On Saturday I studied my Visa bill online.  There was a weird charge I was sure wasn't made by me.  To Best Buy.

I called the number:  It was the Geek Squad.  Never use them.  I hung up.

Called the credit card company.  Waited 16 minutes on hold, during which I took a shower while Jerry babysat the phone, which was on speaker phone.

Finally, post-shower, I heard a woman say her name, and I clicked back to non-speaker. I explained the situation. She assured me three times that I wouldn't be liable for charges.  Then, she switched me over to the Stolen Card Department.

A guy who sounded like a nervous person trying to be reassuring said he could help me.  Was I sure that charge wasn't mine?

"Oh, yes,"  I said. "Certain."

He tapped away on a computer for a long time.

"This charge has been made to your credit card every month for a year," he said, finally.


"It has to do with your cell phone purchase," he said.

I apologized madly and called the Geek Squad. The charge was for some sort of warranty I'd forgotten I'd signed up for.  I cancelled it on the spot.

What a dope.

* * * * *

My friend Mabry brought over a big bag of hand-knit scarves and hats to distribute at the Pantry today.  I'm trying to figure out how to do that without causing a riot.

I've got the new aprons for the volunteers--veggie print or stripes.  I'm trying to decide if we should wear our cheery aprons AND a hat and scarf--to model them for clients.   God forbid we should look ridiculous.

* * * * * 

Does anyone have a spouse/partner who ends phone conversations with "Love ya, babe?"    I'm doing a survey.

I'm pretty sure Deborah Kerr didn't hear that from the King, but then she did get to wear that GIANT skirt. 

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