Saturday, January 2, 2016

The Madness Ebbs, the Office Empties, the Spirits Rise

Flowers my sister gave me for Christmas.  Presents that are alive are good (not puppies). 
My friend Chris sent an e-mail a few days ago that began,  "AT LAST, Christmas is over!"

But he was wrong.  Christmas isn't over until the world goes back to work and to school and leaves the weekdays to retirees, stay-at-home-moms, and people who work at home.

That would be the day after tomorrow, Monday, January 4, 2016.  I've been thinking about that day since Thanksgiving.  It's the day when the madness ebbs, and  life returns to more or less normal.

* * * * * 

On New Year's Day,  Jerry and I went to Pt. Reyes, where it was clear, cold, and mobbed.  He looked like the Michelin Man, wearing a heavy sweatshirt over a down vest..  I wore a scarf and gloves, fleece pullover, jacket, and an determined expression--I wanted out of the house, even if I had to brave the cold.

A little puffy, not entirely from holiday treats
 We huddled in our car at the Visitor's Center, eating sandwiches and swilling hot chocolate.  Then we drove to the Estero Trail, hiked out to the bridge, and took some pictures:

Low tide

Flowing out to the sea

Then we made a quick swing by North Beach, only to be astounded by 50 cars in the parking lot (Jerry counted) and what seemed like legions of people walking the beach, considering how cold it was.

North Beach parking lot.  I was amazed (but then why were we there?)


Happy New Year.  Happy New Beginnings.  Happy Peace and Quiet.

 * * * * *

Just before Christmas, my computer rebelled and stopped typing "O's".  I took it off to the Thai man who fixes its hardware. 

As he tinkered, he announced, vehemently,  "Donald Tump [sic] is bullshit."

Jerry and I are so taken with this that we now just refer to "Tump."  It sums up the ridiculousness of the man.  Better than thinking about him actually becoming President.

* * * * *

We set a deadline of December 31 to have Jerry's campus office empty, and we just about made it.  These photos were taken New Year's Eve:


214 Wellman Hall, Jerry's office for 48 years.  Note the recycling waiting for pick-up.

The office is empty, but numerous--nine but who's counting?--boxes of correspondence, research files, and God knows what now litter the dining room and the basement.  I've checked out, though.  It's over, as far as I'm concerned, except for a little light nagging.

Lurking in a corner of the dining room

The dining table, but it's a year until next Christmas, when we might actually use it

The workbench in the basement.  Four more boxes are parked on the garden furniture stashed for the winter.  It's getting crowded down there.

 * * * * *

One of my top goals for 2016--and much more interesting than getting a colonoscopy and updating the earthquake kit--is to play as much as I can.  Read this article in the New York Times and see if you don't agree.

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