Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Taking Leah to Lunch

Yesterday, I took Leah to lunch, because she was leaving this morning for New York, where she lives now (boohoo), and we hadn't had a chance to talk.

Going somewhere with her when she's home is pretty easy, because she's right next door, and she's game for anything.

Me on Saturday:  Want to come over and get dead drunk?

Leah:  Sure!  Oh, wait, I can't.  Someone's coming over.

(Too bad, but really, I'm too old to get dead drunk.  Can't even remember what it feels like.)

Me yesterday after a harried morning:  How about lunch?

Leah: Yes!

Me, later:  Can it be late?

Leah: Sure!

Me, even later:  I got a reservation at Chez Panisse.

Leah:  Yay!  (Of course, who would say "no"?)

So we went.  We didn't arrive until 2:30, and it was quiet and spacious, and the food was wonderful.

Here she is at the Upstairs Cafe--the incomparable Leah B. at 23:

 Isn't she adorable?  As she was at seven...

...and nine:

I looked at my watch this morning when her plane was supposed to leave from San Francisco and felt sad, sad, sad that she was leaving, bu that's what she's gotta do.  Hoping she'll be back at the end of the year.

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