The contractor for the bathroom remodel arrived at 7:30 this morning, and I was up, dressed, and WEARING MAKE-UP. (I have no idea why--to mark the day? No one noticed but me, I'm sure. I did look slightly less haggish. I think.).
Jerry had his dead-with-resignation-what-fresh-hell look on his face. I managed to get him out of his study to move some heavy pots away from the front door, but he retreated as fast as he could. As for me, I'm sort of enjoying the novelty of it--on Day One, not that hard.
I did have to abandon my studio due to noise and commotion and all kinds of furniture crammed in there. (But by December--new drawers for fabric carved out of bathroom space!).
Tomorrow: Before and so-far pictures.
* * * * *
Yesterday I was distracted all day by what Jerry found out on the phone when he called for results of his recent cardiac stress test. The receptionist relayed the information that the doctor wants him to undergo cardiac catheterization.
Why? She didn't know.
And the doctor's on vacation for two weeks.
I immediately went into Nightmare Scenario: more bypass surgery? Or something even scarier? (What?)
Another doctor called back with slightly more info. Nothing new on the test, but the first doc has training in a technique to remove plaque from arteries and thinks Jerry's a candidate. Think cardiac Roto-rooter.
Another doctor called back with slightly more info. Nothing new on the test, but the first doc has training in a technique to remove plaque from arteries and thinks Jerry's a candidate. Think cardiac Roto-rooter.
We're dubious. I'm mentally lining up second (Stanford) and third (UCSF) opinions. It's going to be a hard sell. The guy walked 18 holes of golf carrying his bag on Monday. He's asymptomatic.
Anyway, relief.
* * * * *
More tomorrow when I can find my camera.
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