Friday, August 1, 2014

Another Day, Another Draft


I might sew this one, if I can figure out how.  I want the wopsy-ness of it, the uneven spacing between squares.  It started out as one big piece:

The fabric with the black "V's" is a dishtowel I bought at the Chicago Art Institute a couple of years ago.  It's linen, not exactly quilting fabric, but what the hell.

Any easy way to sew the squares together with uneven lattice?  I'm a novice at this. 

* * * * *

As of Tuesday, we have some holes in the wall and floor, and I'm feeling encouraged about the bathroom project.  This is called "preliminary demolition."  We found out that the floors are 9 inches thick (is this good or bad?).

 Terrific racket to jackhammer out the tile.

 The hole I'm most enthusiastic about:  Where we're claiming space from the bathroom to accommodate new drawers in the closet of my studio for fabric storage.

 I had to clean out cupboards, and the bathtub was the logical place to dump random stuff.  Note the shoebox with the blue lid.  Here's what was in it:

 Rollers!  Haven't used them since the mid-70's. 

* * * * *

Jerry went for a sleep study last night to see if he has sleep apnea.  He said it was awful, about 30 wires stuck to his head and chest, couldn't roll over, people talking in the corridor at 4 am.  He was home by 6:45 am, forgot his key, and called me from the garage to let him in, thereby interrupting my sleep.

The night before that, I woke him up by rolling out of bed onto the floor trying to avoid a snake in the bathtub (don't ask).  Tonight I might dose both of us with Benadryl.

Have a good weekend!  Sleep well (ignore the news).


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