Sunday, March 16, 2014

A Vast In-Gathering

Everywhere you looked, there were quilts:  250+ of them.

All day yesterday, members of the East Bay Heritage Quilters brought quilts to this living room to be stacked and bundled and ultimately taken to the site of  next weekend's big guild show, "Voices in Cloth."

Yes, I got out of my recliner chair, thanked God that my reaction to the measles vaccination seems pretty much over,  and drove to Deanna's house to help out.

Each quilt has a label with an assigned number, and each stack has a tag with a number range:
Some quilts have beads, buttons, and other embellishments that require:
The "Special Handling" pile to the right of the grand piano:
Many of the special handling quilts were rolled around foam noodles, like the ones kids (and old ladies) use in pools.   
Two years ago, my assigned volunteer stint was helping to set up the show.  That will happen next Friday, with another crew of volunteers.  Putting on the show is a huge job, and planning for the 2016 show will begin sooner than anyone wants to believe.
In the meantime, I am so glad my quilt is finished and in one of those stacks (#127).   Done.
"Voices in Cloth: Extraordinary Quilts by the Bay,"  Craneway Pavilion, 1414 Harbour Way South on the Richmond Waterfront, March 22-23. Two-day admission: $12 at the door.


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