Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Michael and Catherine, Dina and Clint!

Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas

They're all separating!  Or have separated!  I feel bereft.

According to Us magazine, Michael Douglas couldn't deal with Catherine Zeta-Jones's manic-depressive illness anymore, and that,  plus the stress and worry of his throat cancer and his son's drug problems, drove them apart. 

And Clint "fell out of love with Dina a long time ago," according to the first article in Us, and now may be dating the wife of the old friend of Dina's, whom she's dating, according to the second.

Clint and Dina


At my allergist's,  the celebrity magazines are by far the most popular--you have to wait 30 minutes after your shot and you need something to page through.  The celebrity mags are in a separate stack in the waiting room, and everyone, I mean even the most mature, intellectual-looking patients, goes for them first.

Back to falling out of love:  What does that mean?  Did Clint fall out of Swoon?   That stage when you can't keep your hands off each other and it seems like you're on the same page on everything?  Who believes in that?

Not me, but I'm a curmudgeon, I guess.   Swoon was very, very fun for me and Jerry, but it was followed by about 15 years of coming down to earth and struggling to accept that all (most, anyway) it seemed to promise was a mirage.  Those years were hard, and we went to a couples counselor off and on, and then one day we gave up being mad and disappointed and became friends. 

But it was a struggle, maybe the hardest I've ever experienced.  All along I thought M&C and C&D were doing the same thing.   

Those couples seemed mature, at least one partner seasoned by divorce.  Surely those marriages would last?  What happened? 

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