Whaddya like on trips?
And whaddya willing to pay for?
Us: a comfortable room, preferably in a suite-type hotel (Hampton Suites, for example). We like space. We like a complimentary breakfast at the hotel. We eat lunch in museum cafes or wherever we find ourselves. Dinner needs to be not too expensive and not far from the hotel.
Crowds: Hate 'em, but what are you going to do? We're going to be in Chicago for Mother's Day, and I figure wherever we go that day will be crowded. We're opting for the Chicago Botanic Garden, wide open spaces. Unless it's raining.
Art galleries: Like, but find museums a better bet in terms of consistent quality. The Chelsea galleries in New York City are the exception.
Our nightlife generally consists of Jerry channel-surfing or working on manuscripts and me keeping up with my trip diary/scrapbook (see below). I sit on the bed and try not to get stamp pad ink on the sheets.
So, there are whole chapters of the Frommer's guide I could leave at home, but slicing them out of the book is tricky (and dangerous if you're using an Exacto knife).
Awaiting content: A blank Moleskine notebook |
Trip journals/scrapbooks from past trips. I try to keep up while I'm away. |
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