Wednesday, April 19, 2017

A Birthday That Didn't Make Me Teary

Birthdays usually make me teary and in a hurry to get through, but yesterday's was fine.  I liked it, and I had my fill of chocolate.  I couldn't ask for more.

I went to off to the pool with my dear friends Anne and Val, and afterward they took me out to brunch, which for me consisted of French toast, bacon, and eggs, a real treat for someone who's more or less chained herself to Whole 30. 

Then, Jerry and I went to the hardware for garden clippers, which I desperately needed because I tend to lose them in piles of garden detritus. Today the first of two pairs of expensive sandals arrive for me to choose from.

After that, I settled in my chair to hand-stitch a label on a quilt for Pantry Kate, whose husband is in Berkeley for a few weeks and can take the quilt back to England for her.  When I finished, I realized I'd sewn it on the wrong corner of the back, top instead of bottom, but I said to hell with it, and it will stay where it is (Kate, if you're reading this, the quilt goes the other way round.)

Then dinner at Rivoli on Solano Avenue, where they gave us the best table in the house, in the far corner near the window, with a view of the garden. The food was delicious: portabello mushroom fritters and arugula (shared), sea bass (me), Dungeness crab risotto (Jerry), plus dessert (hot fudge sundae for me). The waiter also presented me with a ginger snap on a plate with a candle, and his boss sent over two complimentary glasses of dessert wine.  No singing.

Afterward, we drove out to the far reaches of El Cerrito to gaze at the little house we moved into in 1976 ($44,000), now worth $500,000, and discussed how much better life is now, even though we're old and decrepit and pretty much irrelevant except to people who love us, which is pretty good.

And that was it.  Home to the House of Bathroom Remodeling, where I inspected the day's progress in the twilight:

The shower now has a floor

One of my favorite gifts, from my friend Claudia M.  I've been admiring these yard signs all over town and wanted one:

Thanks for all cards, Facebook wishes, and e-mail greetings!