So, with the construction dragging on, I've become a slobbette who unhooks her bra as soon as the workmen leave and settles in her chair to binge on "Income Property." (Canadians! They all say "hoose.")
I'm supposed to be getting a Christmas list together for my sister and Jerry, because we like sitting in the living room on Christmas Day opening a small pile of gifts and joking around. But I've been useless coming up with anything, although I've looked:
I even went online to Nordstrom to see if there's yet another robe Jerry could get me to replace the ancient $20 robe from Target that can't be beat (he loves Nordstrom's 800-number ladies, very helpful, AND they gift wrap). Plus magazines, newspapers, Amazon. Here's what I found:
Scented is big:
Especially this--scented sticks. Very big.
Watches are big:
Dopey sweaters are still big. (Can you see Jerry in this?):
This caught me off-guard--am I the only one? |
Also everywhere: cashmere sweaters and scarves. Everyone but me likes these (scratchy!).
I found things I can't imagine wanting, like a sleeve for a succulent:
And a green tag that says you eat plants:
Why? |
Sometimes the copy was the best part:
Infinitely on trend?
Finally, I came up with a very short list which I'm going to give you right now, in case you are casting about for things you don't need but would like. Otherwise, skip it. I don't want to add to the pressure.
A quilt book
A travel umbrella
A Streetwise plastic map of Paris (swear by them)
Bobbi Brown eye cream (trying to offset encroaching hagdom)
A Mighty Bright book light
Also, more in the Jerry budget: A Le Creuset grill pan, big enough for two, because we're too cheap (and daunted) to buy an actual grill.
In the meantime, look who I got to sit on the toilet parked in my studio:
Yes, Mr. Adorable visited last weekend and was open to being bribed into posing for a picture. (He chose a Tootsie Roll Pop over a See's sucker--no accounting for tastes.)